PART 2: How to Choose the Right Officiant for Your Wedding Ceremony

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Your wedding ceremony is about you, your partner, and celebrating the start of your life together as a married couple. But other than your vows and your “I Do’s,” you and your soon-to-be spouse aren’t going to be saying much during your ceremony—that responsibility falls on the wedding officiant. It’s a big job—which is why it’s important to choose the right person. Here’s are the questions to ask:


Questions to Ask Potential Wedding Officiants

Whether your wedding officiant will be a religious officiant, a civil officiant, or a close loved one, here are some questions to ask before you make a decision.

Questions for Religious Officiant

  • How many weddings have you officiated?

  • Will you give a sermon/homily?

  • Can you officiate an interfaith ceremony? (If applicable)

  • Do we have to get married in the church/synagogue/mosque?

  • Can we write our own vows?

  • Is there a donation we should make to the house of worship?

  • How often will we meet?

Questions for Civil Officiant

  • How long have you been an officiant?

  • Will you give a speech during the ceremony?

  • If so, can we review it ahead of the ceremony?

  • Do you personalize each ceremony you officiate?

  • What does your typical ceremony outline involve?

  • What is your fee?

  • Can you help us with our vows?

  • What will you wear?


Questions for Friends or Family Officiant

  • Do you understand the responsibilities of the role?

  • Do you anticipate any scheduling conflicts?

  • Are you comfortable speaking in front of our families?

  • Do you have an idea of how you’ll officiate in mind?

  • Can we cover any costs to make you an officiant?

Now you know exactly how to choose the right wedding officiant. All that’s left to do is get out there and find the perfect person to officiate your big day!

Happy Planning



Photographer: Out Last Memories
